Welcome to this page. For you to have clicked this link, it means you are wanting to get more out of life and move from the point you are at….. and you have chosen to do something about it.
Sometimes, people feel they do not have the time to go through a whole course (though I don’t quite agree to this) and want a process they can use themselves.
That is why I created this step-by-step script that you can follow to assist you to create a vision board that will enable you to manifest your vision.
Great achievers ALWAYS create a vision board for each stage of their goals or life.
Purchase Price: This Workbook is normally $27,000 but I am giving it at a HUGE discount for $10,000. – and again heavily discounted for naira payment to N10,000 – go straight to checkout box.
For payment in dollars – send a message for payment instructions to: +44 77777 04266 and put subject matter as: Payment for Vision Board Workbook
You can use this workbook as a family also. Children gain a lot by learning to set goals from the age of 7 years.
If you have any issues, do get in touch by email: lailasmd@gmail.com