Course Breakdown:
Module 1: Why It’s So Hard To Let Go Of The Pain
There isn’t a person in the world who hasn’t been hurt by someone – whether it is an emotional, business, family or friendship. The challenge is the ability to release the pain from these wounds – and is difficult for many, if not most.
In this module, you will learn how releasing the pain from the past is more complicated than just “getting over it.” There are emotional, physical, and mental reasons why letting go of the past is so difficult. Until you understand how these emotions work, it will be difficult to really let go and get over whatever it is that has caused you pain. So in this module you will be taken down the path of really understanding the dynamics of what happens emotionally, mentally and physically.
- Lesson 1– Understanding What Happens Emotionally
- Lesson 2– Understanding What Happens Physically
- Lesson 3– Understanding What Happens Mentally
- Lesson 4– Module 1 Summary and Reflection
Module 2: Understanding Forgiveness
The number and type of hurts suffered in the past, combined with thoughts and beliefs, can make it difficult to release the past. When you add the biochemical response the body has to hurt, it’s a wonder anyone can forgive another.
In this module, you will learn that your view of forgiveness can add to the difficulty of putting the past behind you. You will learn and understand what forgiveness is and what forgiveness isn’t. This knowledge will assist your journey to letting go of the hurt and moving forward with your life in joy, peace and happiness.
- Lesson 5– What Forgiveness Is Not
- Lesson 6– What Forgiveness Is
- Lesson 7– Summary and Reflection of Module 2.
- Quiz
Module 3: Strategies To Let The Pain Go
I believe you now know why it is difficult to release or forgive the past. Also, WHY forgiveness is so very important for you. If you don’t forgive, you actually hurt yourself as well and I sure that is not your wish. The question that you may now be flirting with in your mind is this, “If forgiving is so good for me, how do I let all the pain go?”
In this module, you will be introduced to a number of activities and techniques to assist you in forgiving and releasing the past.
- Lesson 8– Recognize How Powerful You Are
- Lesson 9– Align Your Beliefs to Releasing Pain
- Lesson 10– Think Your Way to Freedom
- Lesson 11– Tame the Pain
- Lesson 12– Changing Behavior
- Lesson 13– Summary and Reflection of Module 3
- Quiz